Emerald Artificial Bouquet Pretty Pink XL

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This chic artificial bouquet Pretty Pink XL from Emerald will surely be perfect to complement any home or office space.

These bouquets are hand-tied by a florist, who arranges each stem carefully, and moreover ties the arrangement together to form this amazing bouquet, and consequently enabling it to liven up any room! These flowers are made of 100% polyethylene which are durable and made to last. Accordingly, you no longer have an annoyance of withering flowers, and simultaneously no need to give water or other maintenance, either. On the whole, you have a bouquet which gives you a long lasting experience.

The bouquet is delivered without a vase and the bouquet will display the best by tying the flower stems and placing the bouquet in a straight vase with wide neck, or a vase with narrow neck.


  • Colour: Multicolour
  • Material: 100% polyethylene
  • Total height: 80 cm
  • Diameter: 40 cm
  • Bouquet exist of 10-15 flower stems
  • Hand-tied bouquet
  • Vase not included
  • EAN:8714344301274
  • SKU:423646
  • Brand:Emerald

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Emerald Artificial Bouquet Pretty Pink XL

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Brand: Emerald

Colour (2 options available)
£ 103.99

Incl. VAT

Emerald Artificial Bouquet Pretty Pink XL

Emerald Artificial Bouquet Pretty Pink XL

£ 103.99

Incl. VAT

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This chic artificial bouquet Pretty Pink XL from Emerald will surely be perfect to complement any home or office space.

These bouquets are hand-tied by a florist, who arranges each stem carefully, and moreover ties the arrangement together to form this amazing bouquet, and consequently enabling it to liven up any room! These flowers are made of 100% polyethylene which are durable and made to last. Accordingly, you no longer have an annoyance of withering flowers, and simultaneously no need to give water or other maintenance, either. On the whole, you have a bouquet which gives you a long lasting experience.

The bouquet is delivered without a vase and the bouquet will display the best by tying the flower stems and placing the bouquet in a straight vase with wide neck, or a vase with narrow neck.


  • Colour: Multicolour
  • Material: 100% polyethylene
  • Total height: 80 cm
  • Diameter: 40 cm
  • Bouquet exist of 10-15 flower stems
  • Hand-tied bouquet
  • Vase not included
  • EAN:8714344301274
  • SKU:423646
  • Brand:Emerald

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