How can I prepare and return my item with drop-off XLservice?

When we organize a drop-off, we'll send you a return label by email. Please bring your product(s) to a parcel shop.

Before you deliver the product to a parcel shop, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure the item is properly boxed, preferably in the original box or a similar sized box that does not exceed the limitations provided by us. The item needs to be returned in the same state in which you received it.
  2. Remove all old labels from the box and attach the new label(s) that we provided.
  3. Deliver the product to the nearest parcel shop and inform us about your drop-off.

To start the return process, please select one of the contact options below. We'll guide you through the process.


Want to know more about returns at vidaXL? Read some of our related articles:

Read more about our return conditions.